Thursday 26 October 2006

“Everything is Jake”

As my biological Grandfather, Don MacDougall, recently pointed out to me, there is a phrase that is not often heard these days and it goes something like this: “Everything is Jake” or “That’s Jake to me!” The phrase typically means “Everything is just fine” or “All is good”.
At 18-weeks old today, our Thomas Jake is a bright, happy boy. Easy-going and very curious. As I tell people who inquire, he is identical in size, personality and ‘babyness’ as his big brother, Quinn. Key differences are as follows:
  • Jake spits up way more than Quinn ever did. I never seem to have enough clean burp pads within reach.
  • Jake isn’t as soother-dependant as Quinn was. That has its pros and cons.
  • Jake doesn’t seem to want to nap during the day as Quinn did, though the past 2 nights he has slept for 12+ hours straight. Nice!
  • And of course, Quinn looked like his Daddy, and I am told Jake is all me. Yeehah!
Jake is loving the Jolly Jumper. He has jumped happily for over an hour as I prepare supper. He is excellent at pulling objects into his mouth – no toes yet! We started TJ on rice cereal last Sunday, to rave reviews! The last two feedings I haven't even had to clean him up – he devours every bite!

Everything is Jake.

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