Friday 18 August 2006

Pumping Formula...

Yesterday saw Jake's 2-month doctor's appointment: 13lbs, 4oz, 23.5"! Treat of the morning was an immunization shot in each thigh, followed by short-lived screams. Nothing a snuggle from Mom didn't fix. Doctor thought Jake's yellow-tinged eyes should have been cleared up by now, so she sent us to CHEO to have blood drawn, to hopefully confirm her diagnosis of "breastmilk jaundice". Results came back in a matter of hours. Bilirubin levels were quite high: "his liver can't be happy". Course of action? Stop nursing for the weekend, and substitute with formula. Continue to pump to ensure milk production when nursing is resumed Monday after more bloodwork can be done.

Ugh. What a nuisance. We never had to give Quinn formula, so this is new to us. Powdered or ready-made? How much to buy to get us through the weekend? How much will TJ take at one feeding 4oz or 6oz or more??? Will he have a reaction to it, or not 'like' it?

His first bottle of formula was at 8:30pm, and he took it no problem. Phew. 4oz, then another 2 - so 6oz it is! Then I had to pump... and pump... and sterilize more bottles, and make more formula, and... but we are managing. Of course our fingers are crossed that his bilirubin levels are dropped significantly after being on formula for three days. In most cases of breastmilk jaundice, breastfeeding can be resumed without bilirubin levels peaking again - as though the liver just has to flush out the excess with a brief intermission. Otherwise, Jake is thriving. Doctor says we have no reason to think anything else is up. As I said... fingers crossed.

Boy, am I tired. Bring on the weekend. We need Daddy.

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