Monday 17 May 2010


“I fell off the meal plan this weekend because I had a birthday party to attend.”

“I have to travel for work, so I won’t be able to workout or eat well.”

“I have a sore knee, so I’m going to have to cancel my training for the week.”

“I would love to pursue a career in Interior Design, but there are just so many other designers out there, I’d never have any business.”

“I’m not going to the party this weekend. Stephanie is going to be there and we just don’t get along. She brings me down.”

Sound familiar? Do you hear excuses like this from people around you? Do you catch yourself conjuring up reasons for giving up, not pursuing your own goals, and living your intentions?

Enough is enough. The more I listen to people, and coach them toward discovering their spirit and living their passions, the more excuses I am hearing!

YES! It is hard work! Do you want it? Do you really want to lose the weight? Have a happier relationship? Excel in your chosen career? Do you really, really want it?

Because if you do, you need to stop making excuses and just do it.

Think about this: Our only obstacles are our own thoughts. Our thoughts are all that prevent us from succeeding at whatever it is we choose to do.

Who chose to eat the blueberry pie? Who decided a sore knee was reason to blow off an entire workout, even though you know full well you could have worked your back, chest, arms, core… Who says if you focus all of your energy toward your life’s intention, you won’t become the area’s best Interior Designer and therefore capture more business than you can handle? Who decides how another person, thing or event is going to make you feel?

YOU. You call the shots. You decide how this life of yours is going to play out. The only excuses are yours. And if you want something, with all of your spirit, mind and body… go after it. Do not stop to listen to the ego-driven, negative voice inside your head suggesting you can’t do it. No more excuses. Tell that voice to stop talking. You don’t need that influence, you can make it on your own and you are doing this!!!
“A goal that is casually set and lightly taken is freely abandoned at the first obstacle.” —Zig Ziglar
If you need help cutting out the excuses, and carving your path to living your spirit with passion and on purpose, so you have no choice but to succeed, contact me. Seriously. No more excuses.


  1. Awesome post JoeGirl!!
    How many will come up with excuses not to post a comment or make a commitment?
    Well done.


  2. I'm getting much better - not at not making excuses, but at recognizing the excuses for what they are and doing something about them. No time for a run - but I can still do 10 minutes while the kids eat breakfast; no time to write - but there's 500 words done at lunch.

    And at the end of the week, that "no time" has resulted in 10 k of running and 3000 words.

    Great inpiring blog.

  3. Thanks for your great comment, Denise… and Welcome to JoeGirl!
