Sunday 29 January 2012

Inspiration 365: Day 29

Fondue. Love.

Grew up on oil fondues in the 70s, graduated to cheese fondues in the 80s and was most recently introduced to {healthy} broth fondues in the 90s {Thanks, Jan!}.

Fondue has been a New Year’s Eve tradition for most of my adult life. A perfect meal to inspire recollection and thought to the future. A time to contemplate the past, and consider the days ahead.

Marshall, Cierra and I enjoyed a simple broth fondue tonight. We simmered beef, cauliflower, red and yellow peppers, mushrooms and pearl onions over many varied matters of conversation.

When all was said and done, the remaining broth—having housed those delicious meats and vegetables for the past hour or so—beckoned to be transformed into a hearty soup. There was a handful of veggies left, about a dozen cubes of beef, a few baby carrots and an onion all wanting to hop in the pot to join the party. Cierra had the idea to add our newly purchased, yet-to-be-tried Quinoa noodles, to great success.

Here’s to supper tomorrow night… Can hardly wait.

{ Psst… I love to receive feedback on my posts. Please leave your comments whenever you feel inspired to do so! }

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