Wow. I just found it. Last entry: October 18, 2008. Oops. Time to reinstate the journal.
Here are some of the items we have written in the past:
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Quinn: “For the picnic Mom and I had on the living room bench today—she surprised me!”
Andrew: “For fish, because I like fish. It was a nice fish dinner. I don’t usually get to eat my sole.”
Me: “For spending another great day with Quinn—he helped me mop floors and we danced a LOT today.”
• • • • •
Friday, May 23, 2008Keeping a Gratitude Journal encourages us to think of the happinesses of the day, and pushes the not-so-great moments to the bottom of the barrel. After a few days of this, you will find you truly embrace those happy moments, and they tend to occur more often.
Quinn: “Tomorrow I’m going to Grandma and Grandpa’s house for a sleepover!”
Andrew: “For the weekend. It always seems to take so long to arrive when it’s a short week.”
TJ (Jake): nodding
Me: “That I had a fun and silly chat with Sensei Shawna and Gerri-Lyn tonight. Lots of girly giggles.”
Even on a day you may think was “the worst day ever”, you are bound to find even the smallest moment for which to be grateful.
Turn your face to the sun, and your shadows will fall behind you—Anonymous
Do you keep a Gratitude Journal? If so, or if not, what are 3 things you are grateful for today?
:)I used to do this when i was a kid,except we called it the blessings book. Totally time to reinstate it! I like thinking positive!