Monday, 31 January 2011

Gratitude: Day 31

When I arrived at Andrew’s this morning, Quinn was in the kitchen making pancakes. He had even put a plate in the oven to keep the finished ones warm while he made the rest of the batch. He served them up to Jake and himself, with an adequate amount of real maple syrup, and even cleaned up the mess afterward. I am so thankful for having such a clever kid.

[NB. While entering this grateful statement, I received a call from my birth mother, informing me that the 18-year old son of one of her dearest friends was killed in a snowmobiling accident last night. PLEASE be careful out there. You are loved, and the world needs you.]

1 comment:

  1. What a cool kid! sorry I stumbled here from another blog by accidentally clicking on the next blog button on the toolbar!

