Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Find your purpose, and hold on tight!

As an integral part of my personal transformation throughout 2009, I spent many hours, days even, deliberating over my many passions—both past and present—to discover my true purpose. “Purpose”, as defined by many personal development gurus, is the actual reason we are brought here to this earth. What are we meant to bring to the Universe, to offer our fellow inhabitants, for the good of all? And in so doing, create the ideal life for ourselves, for if we are living our purpose, and doing so with passion and gusto, we can be nothing but outlandishly successful in all that we do.

Mid-November, I was practicing an exercise in speaking with my subconscious mind, seeking answers to some questions relating to my own purpose. I would fall asleep each night, reciting “Who am I? Where do I belong? And how do I get there?” Being new to this subconscious-conversation business, I felt confident those questions were going to provide great insight in the form of a ferocious dream, perhaps a flashing neon sign at the grocery store, or some other brilliantly exposed notification. I posed those exact questions, in that exact order, for five or six nights, receiving nothing in return.

I suggested to myself perhaps I was not asking for specific enough answers. On the seventh night, which happened to be a Sunday, I rephrased my questions to “Who am I? What is my purpose? And how do I implement it?” Understand, I had not discussed these questions with anybody, as I wanted to receive my response without pre-existing awareness, or potential input from anybody around me.

On Monday morning, I received a document from Marshall. “I thought you might find this interesting and useful…” It was an article written by The Secret’s Bob Proctor, entitled “Purpose, Vision, Goals”. I was floored. The article gave me all the guidance I was looking for in order to ask more specific questions, toward even more specific answers. Amazed, I went straight to work.

So, the article asks, “What do you absolutely love to do?” Wow. I love to do so many things! Interior design and decorating came to mind first, followed by home decor, graphic design, real estate, personal image, presentation, planning, organizing, colour consultations, typesetting—my personal motto, for Pete’s sake, was “If you want something to look good, I’m your girl.” I have always aspired to make everything look better. So aesthetically-driven, I know.

But what was I über-passionate about the most? I didn’t even have to ask my subconscious this question. At that exact moment I knew. The design I am meant to be doing… is personal design. Personal design for body + mind. I am meant to help people discover—and live—their spirits! To help clients transform their minds, which in turn will allow them to transform their bodies, and their entire lives, to be exactly what they have always dreamed and deserved them to be!

On December 4th, 2009, I registered for a course to become a Certified Personal Trainer. I had been assisting clients at Marshall’s studio with form, posture and motivation. The reception to my help and enthusiasm was highly positive, and I was quickly hooked on seeing their faces light up upon crossing a plateau, or lifting a weight they thought impossible. I would arrive early and leave late for my own sessions, just so I could help a few people while I was there. Yes, this is the design I am meant to be doing. Wow.

So what’s next for me? Stay tuned for further news and developments regarding my exciting journey toward living on purpose.

In the meantime, I ask you: What is your purpose? Why are you here? What do you absolutely love to do? What do you need to make happen in your life today, right now, in order to live on purpose and with passion, every day of your life? Contact me to discuss.


  1. I have seen you interested about so many things, but the fitness and personal goal interests stand out way above all the rest. It's so great to see you achieving so much!
    And I could use some tips on blog design!

  2. Thanks, Fin!

    If you know any HTML (or know somebody who does), you can do a lot by simply tweaking a few things in your template: colour, typeface, spacing, etc. Otherwise, there are many, many free templates you can use. Google “Blogger templates” to find one you like.

  3. Thanks Joe!
    I know zilch about HTML but I guess I will try to pick it up. That and Google Analytics. Youch.
